There are so many exciting things that are happening every week at Murdishaw West Community Primary School we decided to start using SeeSaw, a clever service that allows us to record and you to view all of the exciting things that your children have been up to. It is available for iOS and Android and can even be accessed from your Mac or Windows based browser.
Seesaw is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us. This system allows us to work with parents and carers to share information and record the children’s learning in and outside of the classroom.

How does Seesaw work?
Seesaw provides each individual child with their own Learning Journal held online. Parents and carers are given their own log-in. Children and staff are given a secure log-in so they can then upload their work, photos or videos; recording achievements and assessing their learning in line with the National Curriculum.
Parents can change their settings so that an email is then automatically generated informing them when an item has been added so they can have a look and add any comments of their own.
We will send out information on how to download the Seesaw parent app and give you a unique code for your child. If you problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How can I view my child's journal?
Once logged in, you will see your child’s observations on your home screen in a list – selecting any one of these will open up the observation for you to look at. You may add comments in the box at the bottom of the observation if you would like to – and we would love to receive such comments!
How do I know that my child's learning journal has been updated?
The system will automatically send you an email when an observation for your child has been added.
Who can access Seesaw?
You can choose to share your log in details with extended family if you wish, so they can see your child’s Learning Journal.
Who can access Seesaw?
At school we have access to all of the children’s Learning Journals. The only other people that can see your child’s account will be yourselves and anyone that you share your log in details with, such as Grandparents etc. If your child is featured in a group observation, their photo may appear in another child’s Learning Journal.
We really hope that you enjoy using Seesaw and that it helps to keep you feeling informed about your child’s learning. If you have any questions or problems using Seesaw then please let us know.